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  • Writer's pictureJordan M. Irving

Apple Pecan Christmas Pastries

In this holiday season you want something sweet and something to warm you up. On my Instagram Stories in November, I shared with you how to make your very own puff pastry(which will be coming to you soon here on the blog ;) ), and this recipe showcases the awesome pastry here in my Apple Pecan Christmas Pastries! They are sweet, crispy, and warm definitely something that you can bring to you holiday gathering; and you will be deemed a Kitchen Rockstar. Of course, if you don't want to wait for the puff pastry recipe then you can get some from your local supermarket. So without further adieu I introduce to you my Apple Pecan Christmas Pastries!


This recipe change a few times in my head, but after some counsel and praying came these small, beautiful handheld delights! I wanted to do a Skillet Apple Pecan Pastry Bake(which does sound really good probably with a shorter name, lol), but I really took some thought to the times that we are in, and I know that people want easy recipes that you can take on with you to gatherings with no fuss or complications. God showed me very clearly to cook the apple mixture over the stove to create a nice and thick filling. At first I didn't realize why He was wanting me to do it in that way, but I felt in the Spirit very strongly to do it. And when I did... LET ME TELL YOU!! I could NOT stop snacking on the filling!! It was a perfect thick filling for these pastries! God, I thank You for Your intuitive and creative mind! Then, after that He showed me to make these pockets you see in the picture above, which became the Apple Pecan Christmas Pastries! Thank You Jesus for this! I just know that you are going to love this recipe so let's dive right into the ingredients.



Makes 6-8 good sized pastries

1/2 stick of salted butter

1 Granny Smith Apple, cubed

1 Ambrosia Apple, cubed(after you have cubed your apples squeeze a little lemon over them to ensure they don't brown, but also for flavor!)

1/3 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup of granulated sugar

2 1/2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon

3 1/2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

1/3 cup of pecans, chopped

a drizzle of high quality honey

pinch of salt

puff pastry

1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Then take a cast iron skillet(use what you have) and set your the heat to medium with the butter. Allow the butter to melt, and once it begins to bubble place an apple in the skillet and if it sizzles then the skillet ready!

2. Pour all your apples in your skillet, drizzle over the honey. Stir for even dispersion of the honey as well as the heat.

3. Let the apple cook for a few minutes, in the meantime mix together quickly your dry ingredients. This includes the flour, cinnamon, both sugars and salt. Go back to the apples they should be slight soft, but still with a little give. Take three palm fulls of your sugar/flour mixture adding it to the apple mixture in increments. After each addition, give the apple mixture a nice stir to ensure that everything is getting dispersed evenly!

4. The mixture will thicken, but just allow it to do its thing trust me! Once it's nice bubbly and thickened beautifully add in your pecans, stir in then remove from the heat. Set aside.



1. Take your puff pastry from your fridge and roll out until thin and even(about an 1/4 inch). Then, using a sharp knife cut into a square.

2. Then, as evenly as you can cut three strips lengthwise then cut those in half. Also, brush off the extra flour as you go! This can possibly prevent your layers from puffing up in the oven!

3. Place the bottom of each individual pastry onto your prepared baking sheet, then take about a tablespoon of your apple pecan mixture and dollop it onto the pastry. Spread it out evenly but not all the way to edges, keep it centered slightly.

4. Then, lay over the tops on the pastries. Using a fork, crimp the edges to keep the filling sealed tight.

5. Lastly, prick the tops of the pastries with your fork(this helps the heat to escape), then take and egg wash( 1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon of heavy whipping cream, water, or milk. I prefer  the cream for these pastries for those beautiful golden brown tops and edges that you see in bakeries and food magazines!) and brush them all over.

6. Sprinkle with some left over sugar/flour/cinnamon mix over then bake in your preheated oven for 17-18 minutes, starting at the bottom for half the cooking time them move to the top for the other half.

6. Serve warm with ice cream and caramel or by themselves.

- Enjoy!-

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