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  • Writer's pictureJordan M. Irving

My Homemade Pasta

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Homemade Pasta can be terrifying for some people, and others just opt out because they don't have a pasta machine. BUT I have a recipe, that doesn't require one! Maybe just a little bit of elbow grease, but the end result is worth the hard work! :D Make some spaghetti then top it with my Homemade Marinara Sauce and you will be in FOOD HEAVEN!  I present to you my Homemade Pasta!

I make homemade pasta every now and then, I am not ashamed to admit that I will run to the store and buy some pre-made pasta just to make life easier. So if this recipe is a little too extreme for you, use that! But I will say that there is NOTHING that can compare to Homemade Pasta! NOTHING! So without further due, here are the ingredients.



3 cups of all purpose flour

3 egg yolks

2 whole eggs

5-8 teaspoons of extra virgin olive cooking olive

a couple pinches of salt

water( start off with 1/4 cup of water)

extra flour to roll things out

1. Make a mound of flour on your work surface, then make a well in the center. Pour in your egg yolks, whole egg and drizzle over your olive oil(just five teaspoons save the extra for when rolling out the dough).

2. Using a fork break up the eggs and slowly with the fork incorporate the flour( or you can use a bowl instead to knead everything. :D You'll just mix in your eggs into the flour, and just add the water and oil as needed until the dough comes together as directed).

3. After a little while I just switch to mixing the dough with my hands. It may get a little crumbly, but at this point you can start adding the water and a lift olive if the dough is too dry.

4. Continue to knead, and water and olive oil if it is too dry. Just continually knead until it becomes a nice smooth dough. It may take (10-12 minutes), but knead until its easy to press with your fingers, as if the dough is slightly relaxed. If there are extra scraps after the dough has come together just discard them.


5. I like to cut the dough in half, because it is easier to roll(I use a my rolling pin!) out rather than roll that large piece of dough. I cover both halves with cling film, then I place them into the fridge for about 20-30 minutes. You can keep this dough for a few days, watch that it doesn't begin to change color. ( I would use it quickly within those few days. You can already have your shapes made, keep them in the fridge until you're ready to cook them!)

6. Once that is done, take one of the halves and roll the dough thin the where you can almost see your hand on the other side of it. Then, cut your shapes! Have fun with your loved ones, it doesn't have to be perfect but shape them how ever y'all want! Make heart shapes for Valentines Day! <3



Have a pot of water boiling with a generous pinch of salt and a drizzle of olive oil or whatever oil of your choosing. This helps the pasta not to stick as they cook, so don't skip this step! They will cook in the boiling water for 3-4 minutes(Note that the cooking time could vary depending on the size of the pasta and its shape, bow tie pasta will take slightly longer.) , or when the float to the top and have bubbles on them then that is how you know they are done!


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